I’ve know Aaron Scherz for too many years to count. We met through mutual friends. When I was working for Big Loud Shirt, we were in need of a new I.T. person. I knew he was amazing at it, so we called him and he got the job. Little did I know at the time, that he was a songwriter. Shortly after working for us, he landed a writing deal for Big Machine Music Publishing.
Over the years, Aaron traveled to Key West and began to get a following in the area when he played live. So when he needed some “Key West Inspired” images for his songwriter CD, he was kind enough to call me.
The closest thing Nashville has to a beach is off of Percy Preist Lake. We shot there for a bit before moving to one of the local marinas to get the boating look. I love the way the last few images turned out with him nestled on the dock. I think you can find some of those images on his current project and website by clicking here.

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September 22, 2015