Empowering Women in Christ: Meet the Christian Author Transforming Lives Through Faith

There is nothing I love more than working with the same business owners again and again. I love being trusted to document a brand repeatedly and create new imagery that is up to date with what’s going on for that particular season of business. With that being said, I’m so happy to be sharing my latest branding session with Christine Hoy! This was our third session together – this time at the Sapphire Suite – to capture updated branding portraits.

Branding Session at the Sapphire Suite 

I first worked with Christine in 2021, when she was a part of Natasha Hazlett’s Unstoppable Influence branding day. Each time since, we’ve gotten together to refresh her branding photos. It’s always so much fun to work with Christine. She has the best ideas – and this time, I really loved her outfit colors!! The blues worked so well within the space at the Sapphire Suite. During our session, we captured her working, reading, and some other casual moments. 

Since Christine is an author, I wanted to capture options for her books – so we really focused on those relaxed moments on the sofa or around the suite. That’s why I love brand refreshes so much: we can focus on what you need in that moment in your business. 

Christine, thank you for trusting me again to capture your branding photos! It was so good to see you and catch up. 

Ready to book your branding session? Grab my tips here to make sure your portraits feel genuine and true to you and your brand! 


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June 12, 2024



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